Keeping Score
A social media campaign to equip women in sports with the knowledge and resources to stand up for themselves against discrimination.
Brief Overview
All around the world, there is unequal treatment towards women athletes. Evident in unequal pay, lack of media coverage and role models. This unequal treatment leads to discriminatory and sexist comments towards female athletes, which perpetuates the inequality women face in sports. As a result, we see female athletes having poor sports experiences and an increase in young girls dropping out of sports.
Delving deeper into our research, we noticed that many female athletes exposed to these negative comments either do not know how to respond or decide to keep it to themselves due to the lack of confidence in speaking out. Hence, Keeping Score will execute a digital campaign and build a community to tackle the problem where it is the most prevalent - social media. Our strategy will aim to increase our target audience's self-efficacy of standing up for themselves and encourage more positive conversations around women in sports.
At the end of the day, we will build a community and platform that supports women in sports.
Campaign Phases
The campaign consists of 4 stages: Attention, Educational, Inspirational, Equip.
The Attention stage will highlight the issue of discrimination and inequality faced by women in sports by showing real-life examples (e.g. negative online comments).
The Educational stage will educate the target audience on how to identify discrimination/inequality and how to deal and respond to it.
The Inspirational stage will consist of inspiring stories from female athletes to show the target audience that they not alone and that it will take a collective effort to tackle this problem of discrimination and inequality.
Lastly, for the Equip stage, we will show the target audience how they can help the cause by directing them to resources and building a community that supports women in sports.
The pre-campaign prep is currently underway. We are targeting to launch the in April 2021 and the campaign will run till end-July 2021.
Contribute to this campaign
We're currently looking for organisations or corporates to partner on the following:
Subject matter experts who can provide us with insights or research content to build up our resources to tackle discrimination and enable women in sports to counter online abuse
Outreach partners who can help us amplify our message and reach more women in sports
Sponsors who believe in the impact of our campaign and would like to contribute through monetary contributions, products or discount codes for giveaways to engage audience on social media and to get more participation on our research surveys.
If you have questions or any suggestions, do drop us an email at
Keeping Score is powered by National Youth Council, Young Changemakers.
Huge thanks to our Community Partners & Sponsors: Futbolita, @womenfootballinsg, Edens Chips, La Liga, Lugiámi Gaming, Arion FA Women's Team, Expy The Lab, French Football Academy, Green Guards.